History of Boats and Sports is not on Mercedes’s side.

Formula Is slowly becoming a more global sport. And in an effort to spread global awareness I am now formally warning any international sports teams of the dreaded boat photos. The most popular and recent being the New York Giants Boat Photo. Since the photo the giants have gone 15-33 as a team for aContinue reading “History of Boats and Sports is not on Mercedes’s side.”

What Each Team Can Takeaway From Monaco.

I still can’t get over how much I love the McLaren Gulf Livery. It will be sad next week when we don’t get to see it drive around the streets in Baku. But that’s the way the race season goes so as we move away from Monaco and towards Baku let’s look at what eachContinue reading “What Each Team Can Takeaway From Monaco.”

Is Mercedes Crumbling???

You’ll see sports writers and commenters making outlandish statements like Is Mercedes Falling Apart? Most of the time statements like these garner a lot of hate because people view it as just a way to grab attention. While that certainly can hold true for some headlines that fall into that category, this one is different.Continue reading “Is Mercedes Crumbling???”

Welcome Back Ferrari’s Incompetence? A True Resurgence in Monaco.

If you missed this weekends Monaco GP. 1st what the hell is wrong with you. 2nd you missed the resurgence of Ferrari. And it isn’t for getting Leclerc on pole or finishing P2. No No No the return of incompetent Ferrari is back. Yup possibly the biggest storyline from Saturday heading into the race onContinue reading “Welcome Back Ferrari’s Incompetence? A True Resurgence in Monaco.”

Did Shannon Sharpe Just Finesse Julio Jones Live On Air????

Holy shit. Julio Jones just got finessed into announcing that he wants out of Atlanta. Here’s the clip of what happened. Shannon wanted to call up Julio regarding some speculation of him potentially wanting out because he was wearing Cowboys gear. Yeah pretty weird but this is what sports show hosts have to do pumpContinue reading “Did Shannon Sharpe Just Finesse Julio Jones Live On Air????”

A Second “BoRiNg” Race In A Row You Say.

Monaco gets a lot of shit for Qualifying being the whole race but today I once again get to tell the hater to suck it. Am I way stretching it, yes, but whether something is boring or not is a completely subjective opinion and well I have never met a movie I haven’t given aContinue reading “A Second “BoRiNg” Race In A Row You Say.”

Monaco GP Race Preview

Now that Qualifying is completed the race is all set. And It is pretty much now going to come down to strategy since passing in Monaco is extremely difficult. But that isn’t to say that the race is all locked up. Charles Leclerc just proved that even the slightest mistake could be catastrophic around Monaco’sContinue reading “Monaco GP Race Preview”

The Quali Lived Up To The Hype.

The Monaco GP is known to be a the spectacle of Formula 1. Yet the race is relatively a boring one since passing is incredibly hard. So most of the hype for the weekend is focused around Qualifying on Saturday and boy today’s Quali lived up to it. Ferrari was able to keep it’s hotContinue reading “The Quali Lived Up To The Hype.”

Day One Of Monaco Is In The Books

If you have been reading my blogs for a while you will know my take on FP1 and FP2. But now that my school year has completed and I don’t have to worry all that much about having a completely fucked sleep schedule. Shout out to NBA and NHL Playoffs. I will know be watchingContinue reading “Day One Of Monaco Is In The Books”

The Specialty Designs Aren’t Done Yet.

You would be sorely mistaken if you believed that McLaren was done with the specialty designs for the 2021 Monaco GP. To go along with their one-off Gulf design both Lando and Daniel will be rocking specialty helmets this weekend. Lando’s looks a little better than the more simplistic look that Ricciardo is rocking. BothContinue reading “The Specialty Designs Aren’t Done Yet.”

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